Find a Professional

The following resources are provided for your information only.  This should not be considered an endorsement by New Beginnings.  Our group is not affiliated with any of these services, and we are not responsible for the content in these links. If you would like more information, please contact these organizations directly.

Locating the right mental health provider for you is a personal process and may take time, patience, and trial and error.

Some ways to locate a mental health professional include:

  • Contact your insurance company for a list of covered professionals.
  • Go to a local support group and ask people if they know of professionals with whom they had a good experience.
  • Contact the psychiatry department of a local medical school, or the psychology department of a local university.
  • Contact a local hospital directly and ask about mental health clinics, or staff, psychiatrists.
  • Contact one of the organizations or referral services listed below.

In New Jersey


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